Weight loss
nutrition plan

Weight loss nutrition plan

Overweight and Obesity is defined as ‘abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health’ (World Health Organisation, 2017). Obesity is linked with other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, and sleep apnea.

Ireland has one of the highest rates of obesity in Europe, with 60% of adults living with overweight and obesity. 

0 %
Of adults in Ireland are living Overweight or Obesity

Causes of Overweight & Obesity

Main image that features 3 plates of healthy fruit

Choose a weight management plan

Advised for individuals wanting to lose less than 1 stone

6-Week Package


1 x 90 min Consultation & 5 x 30 min follow up appointments

Advised for individuals who want to lose above 1 stone

8-Week Package​


1 x 90 min Consultation & 7 x 30 min follow up appointments

How a consultation works

Step 1 - Book in

Choose the desired Weight loss plan below. Complete the booking form and we’ll be in touch with availabilities, payment options,  pre-questionnaire and a food diary form.

Step 2 - Consultation

A consultation will include the options which are outlined in your chosen plan.

Step 3 - Follow up

Weekly follow-up appointments are made to track your progress. The following is included: Challenges & Success, Goal setting, weekly meal plans & recipes, weekly progress charts, weekly BMI, bioimpedance and blood pressure checkups.

It is easier to prevent disease than it is to fight it

Booking Form