About me

I’m Hannah, I hold a Nutritional Therapist BA DipNT mNTOI & BSc (Hons) in Children and General Nursing. By combining my expertise in both fields I aim to provide comprehensive care and personalised nutrition & lifestyle plans for optimal health. Through an evidence based approach, I help clients achieve their goals.

Let’s start your transformative journey towards lasting wellness!

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What is nutritional therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is an evidence-based approach to maximising one’s health potential through individually formulated nutritional and lifestyle changes.

We aim to promote wholesome, unprocessed foods in order to heal the body and boost overall health, as well as focussing on the therapeutic effects of particular foods for specific health conditions.

Nutritional Therapy seeks to get to the root cause of your health concern, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Nutritional therapists study for a minimum of 3 years at a recognised college and are trained for 200 hours in clinical practice. They are fully insured and must comply with the NTOI requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

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